Thursday, 16 May 2013

Running, CrossFit, Anxiety & Thailand

Well it's been a few weeks since I've posted so I thought it about time to check in. I've been so busy and everything has been non stop that I simply haven't had time to sit down and write. This has inevitably taken its toll and now I'm feeling under the weather, I have all evening to sit and blog!

Since my last post, I ran a half marathon.

I did no training for this at all. My girls and I were having a wee panic the week before when we read that it's not advised you run without being comfortable to run at least 8 miles. We turned up and were all nervous but it wasn't long before the atmosphere got us raring to go.
We completed in 2:45... Considering I completed my last half marathon in 2:42 when I was running 4 times a week I was surprised to say the least. I think running with a friend really helped and I recommend it. If you've been thinking about entering any races this year as a challenge, do it! There are people from all walks of lives at these things and its so inspirational. 

We started at the back and saw a blind man in his 70's running with a guide, he used to run them with his son who sadly died recently and now he runs to raise money for that cause. Whether you sign up for a 5k, 10k or more its a great day out. Plus you get a shiny medal. I've just signed up for the colour run, it's the first one happening in the UK (July 14th) you have to wear white and everyone gets covered in painty powdery stuff. Check it out! This race looks like great, plus no one is bothered about time it's just about having fun:

I've still been eating well (for the most part) the night before the half marathon I demolished so much food I had a stitch. 

But you got to let loose once in a while!

Thanks to my new addiction of crossfit I don't feel as guilty as I used to after my cheat meals. I've always maintained that having a little of what you fancy guilt free is good for you and makes healthy eating full time easy to maintain for the long run, but it is easier said than done! 

For the last few weeks (bar this one) I've been hitting Cm2 crossfit around 4/5 times a week. I genuinely look forward to it and I want to go. I'm seeing results so quickly which is fantastic because I'm hoping this will get me in shape for Thailand. 

When I started my foundations course back in March, I couldn't use the women's bar to practice techniques - it weighs 15kg alone. 

Last week I managed to front squat 40kg for 2 reps and 35kg for the full 5reps I was meant to do. I weigh just 50kg myself so I was so pleased with that. I think it's these weekly improvements that keep me enthusiastic about it all, constantly striving to be better. At first I was totally overwhelmed seeing these amazing guys and gals lifting ridiculous weights, making pull ups look effortless and doing weird shit like handstand push ups but then I remembered, everyone starts somewhere! 

The only downside to all this has been that I've been quite frantic. Trying to fit working out after work (with a 25min drive either side) around food shopping, prepping and cooking and laundry I haven't had a minute to myself. I was quite enjoying the buzz until a bad day at work pushed me over the edge mentally.  

I knew my anxiety was back because I was sitting at my desk with heart palpitations - something I only experience if I drink caffeine or if I'm anxious. Turns out I was worrying about the future far too much and couldn't snap out of it. I spontaneously burst into tears during a crossfit class and straight after my Bokwa class Tuesday, not to mention having to take a breather during a workout because I was hyperventilating like crazy! 

If you don't know about anxiety, there are many different types and various symptoms. Personally I've only had 2 bad (and luckily short) spells. When we're scared or worried we're programmed to 'fight or flight' this gets your adrenaline going and when this keeps going on, and on, and on. It really takes its toll and is not a particularly nice place to be. This time round I actually experienced more physical symptoms, headaches, palpitations, really painful trapped wind in my chest and an upset stomach. As a result I've stopped to take a breather and relax.

Hopefully I'll be back to it this weekend as I'm feeling the pressure to get fit for Thailand! I've been doing my best to ignore the date which is only 8 weeks away! I made the first big step and bought my hiking boots which I'm currently breaking in around the house. I'm yet to venture outside with a weighted backpack for an un adventurous trek around Maldon... 

I think you will all agree that they are too cool for school. My gorgeous non gender specific children's hiking boots. I kid you not, they cost me £45 and are size 2.5. Small feel for the win. 

And as you can see from my fancy blue tee I am raising the monies for Diabetes Uk. I chose this charity because the number of people being diagnosed with diabetes is always increasing and a lot of it is preventable and can be controlled by healthy eating! I want to help raise awareness of this and I hope you will support me in doing so. 

Check out my fundraising page:

I'm hoping to update regularly on my training so watch this space, I'm making a vow to myself now that I will take
The time to relax, unwind and blog. 

Until next time,


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