The point I'm trying to make is that, because I am selective of the photos I include on my Instagram and my blog, you all get a very rose tinted view of how I live my life. I thought I would use this post to get real and share with you the ups AND the downs I've experienced so far this year.

There are boring meals. I don't show these because you all know what an omelette looks like! But they are my go to weekend lunch. Cheap and cheerful, plain with a little tobasco on...now you're talking! The only meal that is different daily is my breakfast and its easy to make it look pretty because it often involves fruit. I like to cook in bulk so I have meals that are ready to be reheated at work or when I get home from a workout, I end up eating the same dinner sometimes for days in a row. Last week it was turkey, black bean and sweet potato chilli - which I cooked at my brothers house whilst babysitting, it fed me 5 times! I'm still not sick of it, it was so delicious.

There are days where I feel like I'm not making as much progress as I would like to. It's an incredibly frustrating feeling I'm sure you've all experienced. But, rather than having my old defeatist attitude, I stop and think hard about what's making me feel that way. Have I not been out exercising as much as I wanted to? Am I eating too much of the wrong things? And then, I make sure I change whatever it is that's hindering me. It's as simple as that. The days where I feel like I'm not making progress are so few and far between now too which is nice.
The biggest thing is that all these changes have had an effect on my relationships. Food is something that my boyfriend and I have always shared and enjoyed together, going to food shows, cooking and baking together and then of course eating! He has no intention of changing his eating habits and I have no intention of changing mine (again). Not only this but he gets sick of me endlessly talking about food and exercise! I get defensive if he tells me to 'loosen up', why should I? I feel successful, I feel happy and positive about my life and how I live it, I feel good about myself everyday... Now why would I want to 'loosen up'? But then I think through someone else eyes my actions might seem extreme but to me they have become the norm. I know what I need to do to get what I want and that's what I'm doing. It's simple. This is something we've worked through and he's so supportive of what I'm doing.
So anyway last weekend was a busy one, Saturday I went into Camden with the girls and to the comedy store in the evening. Sunday, Dan and I went to the East of England food Fair at Knebworth. I tried to stay on track but eventually it was just easier to eat what everyone else was eating and admit defeat for one weekend.

What makes me happy about these indulgent weekends is that I'm no longer plagued by guilt, or calorie concern - I know I'll burn it off through exercise throughout the week. My concern now lies with the way this food will make me feel. Bloated & lethargic. But I can manage for one weekend.

We then went for a cocktail at Dirty Martini where I had the most amazing watermelon and cherry martini followed by an evening at The Comedy Store. Now, I had bought a small salad in with me but once I was in there I decided I would not be a square and I would order food like everyone else. We were also sat in the front row and I didn't want anyone to see me eating my salad! I have never laughed so much in my life, the acts were fantastic and I'm already planning my next visit - but I will be eating before going next time. The food choice is pizza or something with chips. None of it looks particularly appetising and looking round the club at people eating reminded me of those scenes from weight loss shows where you see people ramming unpleasant beige looking food into their faces. On discussing this with Dan that night, he reminded me that the food is there, not as a gourmet choice, but as a stomach liner for people getting boozy. I had chicken skewers with a bit of pitta bread and salad, a few chips and two glasses of red wine.

Upon leaving this establishment I was pleasantly tipsy and proceeded to fill my face full of pudding at Kings Cross whilst I waited for my train. I got this little thing at wholefoods and it was delicious! Although the guilt free snacking element had been somewhat destroyed by this point.

I have such a sweet tooth and was easily swayed by waffle sticks... Then I saw some gluten free frozen yoghurt and I HAD to try that too. It was really good, I hope more places start selling frozen yoghurt this summer. It's so good.

As a small update, I weighed myself for the first time since January and I have gone from 8 stone 2 to 7 stone 9. I'm really pleased because for the most part I have been relatively sedentary and I haven't been depriving myself at all. I eat dessert everyday, and I eat chocolate probably more than I should. Every day I have little treats and so it's great to see that these are not hindering my success. I won't be weighing myself for a long time again because now I am crossfitting it wouldn't surprise me if that number starts to incline with muscle mass but I'm not going to spend any time worrying about it.