Some of you might have seen my status about giving up on the zone, 3.5 measly days in! Many things attributed towards this decision. Thai food being one of them.
I was lucky enough to have a job interview on Thursday and to lessen the stress of interview day, I had arranged to stay at my brothers in London so that I didn't have to worry about being late. We decided to go out for dinner and at that point I realised that there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to stick to zone rules in a restaurant and didn't want anything else to worry about so I just let it go.
Without going into to much detail there were some 'hormonal' issues that were also making crave a lot of things. Being a lady can be so troublesome sometimes.
Anyway I came to a very unsurprising conclusion. 'Diets' are not easy to stick to, and they make you feel rubbish when you slip up. I did not allow myself to feel rubbish about this because I knew all this heading into the 'zone'. I even blogged about it the week before! If you can't see yourself sticking to it for a year, then don't do it! Which is why I have safely returned to the comforting, un regimented world of clean eating. I can eat when I want, how much I want, how often I want and combine whatever macro nutrients I so please. Much easier (and tastier).

I had a big burrito with brown rice, black beans, peppers and onions, pork, guacamole, salsa, cheese and hot sauce. In your face zone diet. You would never have allowed for that combination of carbs and proteins and fat in one meal. But I care not for this worry anymore! To top it off I had a super carby smoothie which I believe was called the 'super healthy detox smoothie'. Yum.

I couldn't help but take a few photos in Wholefoods, it had changed since I was last in there and I was so impressed with it. I do wish there were more stores like this around. There was loads of fresh fruit and veg, walls covered in every type of cereals and grains - just grab a pot and fill up on what you want. You could even get your own nut butters made right in front of you at the push of a button. Needless to say I was in there for a long time and I bought myself and Dan some treats for the weekend.

I got back to having my morning snack (thank god). Graze box is 'cookies and cream' little cookies, white chocolate drops and lots of sun flower seeds. Plus I spotted this new flavour of Nakd bars at wholefoods, rhubarb and custard!

And finally! I got myself another raw pudding from Wholefoods - this time I went for the carrot cake! It was really nice, and no nasty refined products either which makes me very happy!
So all in all it looks like a good weekend for food!

I know this has been a rather long post with some not so healthy food in it but I really have to stress that restricting yourself and depriving yourself from the things you love is not the way to health! There are plenty of amazing unrefined foods out there to be discovered and enjoyed :)
Anyway, enjoy your weekends. Make it a good one!