Monday, 11 March 2013

Slow Progress Is Better Than No Progress... Isn't it?

Recently I've been frustrated with myself and my lack of progress. In my head, by March I would have seen a significant difference in myself. I've given up so much, I haven't touched pasta or bread since January 1st, I've been eating mostly fresh, healthy produce, I've pretty much given up boozing, junk food and basically any unhealthy habits that I had. I have seen some really encouraging changes (definitely less tummy fat to grab :D), but not enough to put me on track for my Portugal 2013 bikini body!

I was attempting to do this:

Instead I very smoothly fell. Straight onto my shoulder. And it hurt. A lot.

After returning to Crossfit exactly one week later thinking I was much better, I totally overdid it again and set myself back to square one. I finished my CrossFit course by practising with the PVC bar whilst everyone practiced with the big weights. Whilst everyone was doing their WOD's I did my own arm free WOD - box jumps, sit ups etc...

I've still been using my right arm for everything, carrying handbags (ouch) making the bed (ouch) getting dressed (ouch!) but today I decided it was time to seriously rest. I am minimising any usage of my right arm so it can get better and I can get back on track. This of course means that I am postponing signing up for my CrossFit membership, thus postponing my fitness goals. Hence, my frustration.

Cheat meals and treats seem so much worse when I haven't done any vigorous exercise to cancel it out! So today I have been repeating the same 3 mantras to myself all day to keep myself motivated!

1. Slow progress is better than no progress.
I may not be exercising as much as I would like to but I am also not eating and drinking like a hippo anymore and that is good for my mentality, my health and my well being. I am not eating enough to be gaining weight and I still feel 100% better than I did the other side of New Years. I will keep going, keep eating well and when the time is right, I'm going to smash it!

2. One bad meal won't make you fat, the same as one healthy meal won't make you skinny.
The best advice... Before my shoulder incidence I was doing my foundations course twice a week with a pretty hardcore WOD at the end of the session. This meant at the weekend if I went out for dinner, or had some chocolate I felt like things would be ok! Now I feel like everything I eat just sits there. The same way I am just sitting there. But this is just simply not true.

3. Never give up on a dream because of the time it's taking to accomplish, that time will pass anyway.
Great piece of advice! Time is always passing and it's a great feeling when you're doing something productive with your time, working towards something, a goal or a dream. Whether it be saving up to go somewhere or see something or making small changes one at a time to be healthier. Time is always slipping away, so make the most of it!

Lucky for me I have the small matter of a half marathon to train for, and running doesn't require arms! Silver linings... As soon as this snow clears away ill be back pounding the pavements!
