It's January again... Only 84 days until British summer time 🙏
So with January comes New Years resolutions, and with New Years resolutions? You guessed it. Comes failed New Years resolutions.
I hadn't really made any resolutions and then today I decided to set myself some challenges. I know all the cool kids make fun of resolutions - and yes I agree that if you want to change something, there's no time like the present, one shouldn't wait until January. But after all the indulgence that December unavoididly brings, January is a great time to get back on track and reasses your goals for the year.
I got to thinking about this some more and decided that too many resolutions are forgotten as the year goes on, and I think for many people this comes down to taking on too much at once. So I came up with the idea of setting one new resolution for every month of the year. That way as my life changes and alters, my goals can stay up to date and relevant to where I am in my life.
Any of my regular readers (hi mum) will know that I've been rather absent with my blogging since September. I got a fab new job (yay) and moved into my boyfriends family home and in doing so dropped my former lifestyle. I fell into a real rut. I wasn't eating clean anymore, I didn't enjoy my new crossfit gym as much so stopped going, my skin broke out worse than I've ever seen and then it was December and as much as I tried to stay on track there were too many drinking events!
When January rolled around I was so ready to throw myself back into my fitness lifestyle. I spent some time going through my old posts, my fitness Instagram and browsing loads of health blogs. The more I read, the more upset I got thinking about the fact that I'd let myself slip for an entire 4 months. On top of this I read a lot about positive thinking and everything clicked into place for me. Eating clean and exercise had become a hobby for me, with that gone I became more miserable as my self esteem took a severe knocking and my mentality turned more negative.
3 days into clean eating and I'm already feeling better about myself - mostly because I'm so glad to finally be doing something about my misery! I'm still struggling to come to terms with how far I let myself slip without realising how much it was effecting me, especially when I've never been as happy as I was earlier in the year.
Setting myself regular goals was something I thrived on, for example, half marathon training, trying something new (be it fish or crossfit), training for my Thailand trek or quitting alcohol for a month. Everyone brought a positive outcome which enforced my overall positivity and gave me lots to be proud of.
I gave up blogging (because I had nothing to blog about) and after I stopped worrying about it I let it go (along with all my former good habits). But blogging is like keeping a diary for me, I take pleasure in it and I guess you would call it a hobby too. So with that in mind, my All Year Resolution for January 2014 is to keep blogging consistently!
I have lots I want to write about and I hope you will enjoy reading my future posts!
Have you made any resolutions?