I'd planned to spend a nice relaxing day with my cousin at aqua springs. We were 5 minutes away and the constant stop starting of the car at traffic lights and roundabouts was just too much for me. I hopped out of the car and proceeded to throw up on the pavement (there was literally no where to hide) and all over my ugg boots, in front of all the people at the traffic lights. I must have looked a hot mess walking the rest of the way with puke splattered uggs... I am a lady of class!
Anyway I felt much better after that horrendous episode. After getting changed into my swimsuit and trying to work out whether the two Spanish ladies standing next to me in the changing rooms were talking about how I smelt of sick I spent a pleasant afternoon reading magazines, popping in and out of steam rooms, saunas and jacuzzis. It was so relaxing and I think I'm going to try and do things like that a little more often. Treating yourself doesn't always have to be about food.
So after sweating out my hangover, my stomach was still feeling pretty unsettled and there's one thing that never ever fails to settle it. Coke. But I don't drink coke anymore... I do realise that I drank a tonne of vodka last night and therefore one can of coke probably wouldn't cause any more damage but after cleansing all day I didn't want to put anything nasty back into my system so a bottle of delicious curiosity cola came to the rescue! Not the most 'clean' drink but its a hell of a lot better in both taste and ingredients. Plus it actually contains ginger which is known for healing nausea. Perfect! I'll remember to stock up on these before my next night out...

I spent £35 in lush and got a new cleanser, toner, body wash (happy hippy - and yes I did choose it because of the delightful name), soap, body butter bar, bath bomb and (not pictured) white chocolate and honey lip balm. I left the store really happy with all my purchases and as I walked out I remembered that I'd forgotten to buy a face mask. If you've never used Lush face masks before you should try them, they're amazing! They're fresh, have to be kept in the fridge and used within 3 weeks. I walked back into the store, picked up my chosen pot and the guy that had just served me let me have it for free! He said they're allowed to give out random acts of kindness throughout the day. How lovely!
So I'm keen to see whether I notice any difference in my skin / complexion. Although that is not the purpose for my beauty swap, I just felt that if I'm changing what I put into my body I should change what I put on my skin too and limit my exposure to all chemicals. Your skin is your biggest organ, treat it well!
So in conclusion... I won't be drinking booze any time soon, and I definitely need to learn when to stop! Sadly none of my friends thought to tap me in the shoulder and say "hey, you've been lunge jumping for sometime now, it's not a cool dance move, maybe you should lay off the spirits" but I'll let them all off because I think they were too busy throwing their own interesting shapes on the dance floor.
Back on track now anyway, I've just managed a sweet potato with chilli and avocado. No excuses for bad eating here! - and tomorrow is Easter Sunday! Going to be a tricky one. Lucky I have a boyfriend who loves chocolate and is in no way shape or form a clean eater. He can have my chocolate. Fatten him up, then I'll look skinner standing next to him!
Hope you're all having a fantastic long weekend, hopefully the weather will get better from now on with British summer time starting tomorrow! I'm really getting bored of saying "I wish it would stop snowing". Sigh.
Stay happy and healthy peeps!