2013 has seen me eat my first prawn EVER. Another big step - when I was younger I was incapable of sitting at the same table as someone eating prawns. They're pretty good I have to say! And as i was graciously given the oppor-tuna-ty to go to Thailand in July where I will have natives cooking for me it is inevitable that I shall be faced with more seafood. So rather than let this be a huge shock to the system I decided I should dolphinately be proactive and try to get my head around the taste and texture before I head off.

Served up with warm corn tortillas, more jalapeƱos, salsa and guacamole. I ate two of them! There was a brief moment of panic where I got a little bone in my mouth (the cause of my weird fish phobia) at that point I thought it was game over but I persisted, trawled through and finished my dinner. See? Any fin is possible when you don't trout yourself.
Oh my cod. What a load of carp. I'm done now I swear.
Moving on...
I made the most delicious summer drink using one watermelon.
RULE NO1. Once you've purchased your watermelon, try not to let it roll of your lap when elegantly disembarking your vehicle. It will break.
On the other hand it did save me hacking into it but I'm sure some good juices were lost in the process.

If you can be arsed, deseed it. Scoop out all the good stuff and stick it into blender of some sort and whizz away. Stick it through a fine sieve so you're left with a smooth delicious watermelon beverage.
I did not deseed mine but I eat the seeds all the time and a watermelon hasn't grown in my belly yet regardless of what the rugrats taught me so I think it's an ok thing to do.
Pour into a jug filled with ice and fresh mint and there you have it.
On a less healthy note I'm pretty sure that vodka would go astoundingly well with this but that's neither here nor there.
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