Saturday, 15 February 2014

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes...

...Different strokes for different folks as they say. We all now that variety is the spice of life and I'm sure we've all heard people talking about how boring life would be if we all went for the same things, liked the same people, boys, girls, fashion, designs, flavours and so on.

And I believe this to be 100% true. I'd go as far as calling it a fact! Life is amazing. Being YOU is amazing and unique because there is no one in the world like you. Unless of course you're a twin 👯 but even then, you're personality, your life and experiences are all personal to you.

If, like me, you think that this is a great thing, then I'm sure you can appreciate others differences. 

Because that's what's so great isn't it? That we're all different? Some of us are good with numbers, some of us are better creatively. We might be driven at work, or living for the weekend. Some of us like to party or socialise and some of us prefer our own company. Some of us like boys and some of us girls - some of us even like them both! We have different skin tones, hair colour, eye colour and body shapes.

Different body shapes.

Because nobody in the world has the same body shape as you. 

And why should that matter? In short, it doesn't. How you look should not define who you are, whether you're a nice person or how good you are at your job. It shouldn't define whether you're happy, content or depressed. Whether you're funny or love to laugh. 

But I feel like it does.

Here's what upsets me. Everyday I overhear conversations or see stuff online typically resembling the comments below.

She's too fat. She's too thin. He's too skinny. He's too muscley. She needs to eat a sandwich. He needs to go on a diet. Real men love curves, bones are for dogs. If she lost weight she'd be really pretty. She's got a big bum, a flat bum, no tits, big thighs, cellulite. You get the picture.

Luckily for us we might never hear the ridiculous things people have to say about the way we look, but with today's online culture, nasty comments are lurking round every corner.
I just hope that as you're reading this you can be happy and bask in the fact that you have never purposefully thrown that negativity upon another human being. Chances are, they don't deserve it.

(I find these memes so offensive. In a culture where so many women are striving to be skinny, we seem to have forgotten that some skinny people are naturally built that way - no matter what they eat, they will never have curves. Be proud of your curves, but don't strive to take down those who don't).

We should be celebrating our abilities to succeed in life, through our friends and families, our careers - whatever drives you, motivates you and makes you happy. Stop praising each other for the way we look but congratulate each other on our successes, praise each other for being good, decent people. I love my friends and family for who they are. Not for what they look like. So why would I give a damn about what people who aren't even important factors in my life look like?

What makes it ok to say things or comment on the pictures of somebody you don't even know and scrutinise the way they look? 

Now I can't sit here pretending to be an angel that has never made remarks about others, and that's because making comments about others appearance is easy because it lets us reaffirm how we feel about ourselves. But a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.

Call that boy fat, or that girl skinny. They will still be just as fat or just as skinny as they were the moment those words left your mouth. So why waste your breathe? 

What's hard is only allowing yourself see the beauty in every single person. The way a persons eyes light up when they talk about someone or something they love. Or the way people laugh or have the ability to make you laugh. Their intelligence or ability to love. The things that really matter.

(I've definitely shared this post in the past - and for the wrong reasons. This never became hotter than that. This photo shows 8 beautiful women of different shapes and sizes. 8 gorgeous girls showing us what their mummas gave em (I'm pretty sure this is Heidi Pratt pre op).

Because really as long as you have your health and your happiness, what else matters? As long as your not over eating or under eating and making your body sick and as long as your nourishing your body and moving your body the way it wants to be moved, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. 

Make yourself stronger mentally and physically so that you have good health throughout your life. The body you're in now is the body you will spend every waking moment for the rest of your life, so you better get comfortable ✌️



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