Wednesday, 29 January 2014

February Challenge: Do The Impossible

In January I decided to come up with a new resolution for every month of the year. Setting challenges and goals for myself regularly keeps me feeling positive and happy as I love having something to aim for and work towards.

It's almost a YOLO attitude I guess. The young whipper snappers these days are claiming YOLO as their excuse to go out and party every night. Well they've got a point. When I'm old and reflecting on my life am I going to remember all those nights I stayed in and watched tele? Mmm...probably not (though some of those Eastenders story lines are sure to stay with me). 

I'm going to look back at my achievements and smile at all the cool stuff I experienced by pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying things the average person is capable of doing but may never try. I've already got temporary vegan, a few 5ks, 2 1/2 marathons and the charity trek in Thailand under my belt, but I love to experiment with myself. I think reading and learning new stuff where diets and nutrition are concerned is super interesting & fun - but experimenting and trialing is where it's at! 

So that's why my February all year resolution is to complete the impossible.

I wanted something that would scare me, something that would make me think 'not me, I am not capable of that' and it came to me through the form of this gym program.

My boyfriend suggested it to me as something I might enjoy now I'm no longer Crossfitting. At first glance I thought there is absolutely no way that I can complete this 12 week challenge. And well obviously as soon as that thought passed through my head I knew I had to give it ago.

This program will see me eating 6 times a day and by the final phase, going to the gym 6 times a week. I have read through this again and again, got organised, worked out my meals to make it minimal cost (approx £30 a week) and I've even done a practice eating week.

My lunch for the next few months...

Eating the same thing Monday to Friday is pretty repetitive but it is so cheap and actually, when you're on the go so much you don't tend to care. I get home at 7, eat and I'm at the gym by 8. I don't get home until around 9:30 and after a protein shake I'm not craving anything so I tend to not have time to think about what else I could be eating.

This also requires a military style preparation. This week I've roasted 2 chickens (which is enough to last me the whole week - lunch AND dinner) and I spend Sunday afternoon chopping veg, cooking my grains and sticking these all into lunchboxes so they're ready to grab and go in the mornings.

This lifestyle isn't dissimilar to what I was doing last year but after months of buying lunch at work, eating more junk and not really exercising, the thought of getting organised enough to pull this off seemed like it would be too much. Laziness fuels laziness remember.

I've already adjusted to the food - now I just need to get my arse into gear and start the gym programme. Day 1 will commence on Monday the 3rd of February (we're moving house this weekend!) and I cannot wait to take on this challenge and smash it!

Now  one thing that I have struggled with in the past is not paying attention to my body, I could leave it weeks before I realise I'm not making progress and and need to reasses what I'm eating or doing for exercise. 

I will not let that happen this time round. No way. It's so disheartening and unnecessary.

I've seen from the website linked above the possible results I could get from sticking to this and I want to do it right. In order to monitor my success I got weighed at the gym last week and will repeat this process 6 weeks through and again at 12 weeks (the end of the programme).

So here is my starting point:

Height: 4ft 9.5"
Weight: 7 stone 13 / 111.4 lbs / 50.5 kg
Body fat: 21.4
Muscle: ???
Metabolic rate: 1222
Visceral fat: 1
Waist: 25"
Hips: 34"

So I'm 1/4 inch smaller than I originally thought 😒...

Weight seems pretty standard, body fat means I'm 1/5 fat, my muscle figure makes no sense to me whatsoever but seeing as the machine turned off half way through my reading there could have been an issue with this. I will have to wait and see what happens in 6 weeks to try and make sense of that! Metabolic rate of 1222 means that's how many calories I burn just sitting on my arse all day. Visceral fat is on a scale of 1-12 (1 being low) so I'm over the moon about that! 

So the main goal here is to see the body fat come down.

I'm ready for it!

Wish me luck 👊💪

x Minnie x

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