If you are one of those people obsessing over your weight after eating too much in December (or like me the many months before December) then read up, this might be just what you need to hear.
The past couple of days I have overheard conversations in the office and on the train about new diets and about losing weight.
Sadly many of these conversations have involved 'diet shakes' and calorie control, detoxing and juicing. This type of stuff makes me want to tear my hair out.
Now obviously this is my blog and I'm simply expressing my opinion but from what I see ladies and gents, the 'diet' industry isn't your friend, they DON'T want you to lose weight because then you'll stop making them money. Well actually that's not strictly true. They want you to lose weight and then give up and put it all back on again so that you come crawling back and become a lovely repeat customer... Why not tell your friends how successful you were whilst on that diet too, get them involved.
Think about it at its most basic. Did we have an obesity and diabetes epidemic upon us before all of this crap existed?
Ok. Ok. So I know some people have been successful and managed to keep the weight off and that's great for them, but I bet you those people are happy with their chosen lifestyle and that's what keeps then going. How happy were you last time you dieted and couldn't have the treats everyone else around you was eating?
Diets fail because we are not satisfied and we are unhappy with the deprivation. The answer? Don't deprive yourself.
I'm not saying shovel chocolate endlessly into your face and give up, what I'm trying to get at is if you can eat well for 80-90% of the day - primarily 'clean' foods, nothing is going to happen to you if you have a biscuit. I promise! (Just don't eat 10 of them, I can't make any promises about that).
I have been on enough diets in my life to know how much negativity and self hatred they fuel. You hate yourself for needing to go on a diet, you hate yourself for not being able to eat naughty things, you hate yourself when you crack and you hate yourself when you don't reach your goals.
Now those reading this who know be well might be thinking - but Minnie. You yoyo too, we've seen it! And sadly I cannot deny this but hear me out.
Whilst I was eating clean and crossfitting for the first 7 month of the year, I lost fat, I built muscle, I was the happiest and felt the best I have EVER felt about myself, I got stronger and I have retained that strength. The weight didn't come back on as easy because I had built muscle which burns fat and my metabolism was faster. I didn't give up because I caved, I lost it because I moved house and job and forgot just how happy that lifestyle made me and I'm greatful now to have it back.
When you go on a diet or detox like a juice or shake diet, you deprive yourself, you lose muscle not fat, you slow you metabolism and it's not sustainable!! When you ditch the diet and go back to your 'old way of eating' (which was undoubtedly the problem in the first place) on comes the fat and it's even harder to shift.
If you can find healthy clean foods that you love, make you feel good, nourish your body, give you energy and taste good? You're onto a winner.
Same goes for exercise - do you hate the gym? Then why join?! You know deep down you're not going to go if you don't enjoy it. Try something new, pick up an active hobby, take climbing, or surfing (ok that might be more fun in the summer) download the coach 2 5k app for a few quid or download the tracks from the NHS website for free, grab and friend and get out there. When I started couch 2 5k I ran up and down a football field until I could solidly run 7/8 minutes, then I ventured further by following other joggers on there routes! That makes me sound like a crazy stalker runner, which essentially I was.
I'm off to join a gym tonight, sadly my new crossfit gym isn't for me but thanks to the skills (and fun) I had at crossfit Cm2 I feel prepared to head into a regular gym because I know that I LOVE weightlifting and now I won't be going in and slogging pointlessly over the cross train machine for 30mins whilst watching Eastenders...(is it just me that did that?)
What I'm trying to get at, that I wish all of you who struggle with your weight would take on board is that life is to be enjoyed, your body is the only one you get and you should treat it with respect so that you can go on enjoying life. Eat well 6 days a week and have a blow out meal, if you've got dinner plans at a restaurant, order what you want - you don't do these things everyday and they're moments to be enjoyed, I won't call them rewards, the reward will be being happy, being healthy and enjoying yourself and enjoying losing weight and feeling positive about yourself.
P.s if you're a new comer to my blog and wonder what I mean by eating clean remember the saying JERF. Just, Eat, Real, Food.
Is it a plant or an animal? Then that's ok 👍
Now I'm back blogging I will update food diaries here and there for anyone looking for some inspiration at its easiest.
Just googling clean eating or clean recipes will get you an abundance of delicious stuff though.
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