I'll explain the concept of the zone as simply as possible, firstly though, I must clarify that the information I am posting is very specific to my body. The quantities I'm eating are specific to my size and my dietary needs. If this is something you think you would like to try then order yourself a copy of the book.
I also want to mention (which I'm sure anyone whose ever read this blog before already knows) I do NOT condone fad diets. I love clean eating, I've been doing it consistently for 2 months know which I've found to be easy and effective and something I am definitely doing for the long term. I'm really proud of my accomplishments so far. What I'm hoping to gain from 'the zone' is to learn more about portion control and quantities of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat). It might be that I do not like this, it might be that I love it and can see myself doing it long term, we'll just have to see! But I am following this diet with clean eating too.
Ok so here goes. The concept of the zone is to give your body exactly what it needs. No more, no less. The perfect quantity to allow your body to function at its most optimal, which the author defines as 'the zone'.
To stay in 'the zone' we should regularly top ourselves up. So for example, if you require 100g of protein a day, you should split this up throughout the day as opposed to eating a little at lunch and having steak for dinner. This would overload your body and not let it process & make full use of the nutrients ingested. Instead, it is recommended that you spread it equally throughout the day.
So first things first, i had to work out what my body requires. the calculation looks a little something like this: my lean body mass (81.3%) x by my activity factor (grams per pound of lean body mass - 0.7) - this equates to moderate, 30 minutes per day, 3 x a week) which gives me 56.91. That is my daily protein requirement.
The author has then worked out some kind of formula (I haven't read the whole book yet - no idea how he came to this outcome just yet!) that sees 1 block contain 7g or protein.

Breakfast - 2 blocks
Lunch - 2 blocks
Snack - 1 block
Dinner - 2 blocks
Snack - 1 block
Now if you really wanted to, you could work out the nutritional value for all your favourite foods by looking at the quantity of protein, carb and fat - but I have been using this website
and the book which contain lists of the most common foods all worked out into blocks. So all I have to do is pick 2 things from the protein list, 2 things from the carb list and 2 things from the fats lists - or one thing from each if its just a snack. It's actually all rather simple isn't it?
I spent a couple of hours getting my head around this and planning my meals for the next 5 days to make sure I buy the right amount of food and keep things a little interesting. It is recommended that for the first week you do this and weigh out everything and plan plan plan. After that, judging quantities and making the right decisions should be a lot easier. Lets hope so.
So today I did my food shop which in case anyone is interested, came to £44. I have enough food to do this for 7 days as opposed to 5 so have frozen any extra meat. You should notice too that there are things on my list that I will not have to buy again for months (omega 3's, peanut butter, oats, 2 x food storer, cashews). But, I stopped for petrol on my way home from Dans today and the garage had an M&S. I'm really fussy about wafer thin hams and chickens so I bought my roast chicken and turkey from there. Chicken was 3 for £6 (2 packs have gone into the freezer for next week) and turkey was £2 each - I only needed one pack. So I think on a weekly basis £40-45 is probably about right.

This side of things I find very appealing. I love the easy organisation that goes into this! This is all food to go. Natures fast food ;) I have all these nutritionally balanced meals just ready to be picked out of the fridge and eaten.

Even if I don't think that the zone is something I can maintain long term, I will definitely be prepping like this from now on.

Hope you've all had a great weekend and I hope you enjoy my blogs in the week to come!
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