Thursday 28 February 2013

Ode To A Burpee?

Burpee. Mention the word and people just shudder. Everyone hates the burpee. No matter what type of exercise you do, you've probably come across the burpee at some point and you've probably felt the sense of dread that follows as soon as the word is uttered.

Well, I for one enjoy a burpee. I'm a complete newbie into the world of CrossFit and therefore have never been subjected to something as daunting as 100 burpees for time (kill me when that day arrives).

I think most people can agree that the Burpee act itself is very straightforward. There are no tricky manoeuvres to remember, no heavy weights to lift and no heavy balls to throw.

I'm sure I'll learn to hate the burpee, but for now I will continue to embrace the simplicity of the burpee. Get down on the floor. Get back up again. Jump and clap. Repeat.

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